Butch Meier - News

Here you find news about Butch and his Band and updates of this website...



Digger Barnes - solo & acoustic on tour !!! ....... not with his " Big Berta ", but with acoustic guitar and tons of great songs. Check out the tourdates now !

  19.02.04 Some tourdates for NL in march ... more coming soon !
  17.07.03 Butch Meier Photocontest - check out the winning shots in our gallery ...
  15.07.03 Once again this year Ted is looking forward to his birthday (presents !this time it´s for real!). He´s expecting your donations ,good wishes and stuff on August 22nd .
  15.07.03 On the road again - checkout the updated tourdates ...

Country Outlaw Joe Budinsky from Friedrichshain released his first Soloalbum (Audiocassette) .Also soon available in our Super Meier Market.

"Authentic,pure stuff ... the way you want it !" (B.Meier)

  20.04.03 Butch Meier Band - Not Guilty!
November 15th 2002:
2nd Anniversary, the Sherriff of Flensburg tried to put us in jail for a
crime, we didn´t commit. Our friend John Kwixinger had to pay 500 eggs, so that
we were able to leave that fuckin´village.
April 10th 2003:
After 5 months finally Kwixinger got his 500 eggs back and even the Sherriff
realized: Butch Meier is 100% top-notch innocent! Thanks a lot Kwixi!!!
Today the fantastic BM photo contest starts !! Send us a picture and have the chance to win our `Sky Marshall´ hit single ! (click here for more)
Some new stuff added to the songs section ...
Hi Folks , dear Fans !! After a seven weeks holiday trip i´m back in town now ! Full of power , ideas and some new songs. Last work for the Sky Marshall single´s to do and making dates complete for the "2003 Butch Meier Denmark Tour".I also have to check the material from the netherland tour , to select the jewels which I will present you here on my page . Hope to see you soon on the road again! Yours Butch !
  07.03.03 Photo gallery update - New pics from live gig ´Schlachthof - Hamburg´
01.02.03 Butch is on holiday.After the hard work in the studio , Butch is now on Stews Ranch in Spain.Body workout , writing new songs , dog training and of course checking the scene...
26.01.03 Wow!We recorded our 1st single ´Sky Marshall´ ! Check the stories for more or go directly to the shop , to order your copy of this limited masterpiece now !
22.01.03 Ted Memphis is looking forward to his birthday in march.Will he finaly get his signature series by Gibson USA ?? We think it´s absolut time ...
20.01.03 Pick Up Management is working on a comedy-tour feat. our Jonnie Schulz and friends.When more infos are available , you dear BM fans will be the first to know when the funbird will land in your town !
14.01.03 Speedcarfanatic Digger got his driving licence back ! lookout for his black Corvette ... but if you see it , it´s too late !